With our belief in the importance of "still the mind, open the heart, nuture the body, and honor the soul" Three Sisters' Spirit opened its doors in November of 2008. Our vision was to create a place of respite from the hectic pace of every day life.

Whether it's heart centered gifts, (everything from the irreverent to the sacred) a wellness sanctuary for the mind, body and spirit (offering individual sessions of reiki, massage, integrative therapies, counseling and life coaching) or programs, classes, training and workshops to empassion the soul and ignite the creative spark, Three Sisters' Spirit offers guidance, encouragement, and support.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mindfulness Monday

Follow your inner heart and the world moves in and helps.

~ Joseph Campbell
The whispers of our heart can only be heard in the silence.

It is in those whispers that our long lost hopes and dreams can be found. And once we're able to shine light on those treasures, than it becomes possible to bring them into the world.

Create some breathing space this week to listen to the whispers of your own heart. Take some dream time each morning to sit quietly, listening only to your in breath and out breath. If you find your mind wandering, bring it lovingly back to your breath. Notice what surfaces in that silence . . . for in that silence is where you'll find your own truth.
(Source:  Karen Ely)

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