With our belief in the importance of "still the mind, open the heart, nuture the body, and honor the soul" Three Sisters' Spirit opened its doors in November of 2008. Our vision was to create a place of respite from the hectic pace of every day life.

Whether it's heart centered gifts, (everything from the irreverent to the sacred) a wellness sanctuary for the mind, body and spirit (offering individual sessions of reiki, massage, integrative therapies, counseling and life coaching) or programs, classes, training and workshops to empassion the soul and ignite the creative spark, Three Sisters' Spirit offers guidance, encouragement, and support.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

ask yourself...

Self Discovery Ritual - 11 Questions

Directions: Take one hour for Self Discovery. Light a candle and put something next to it that you love. Sit quietly with a warm shawl about your shoulders. Soften your body - starting with your feet and going up to your crown, paying attention to each part of you, including your organs, with a special focus of becoming present to your heart. Say a prayer that you will be able to listen into the spaciousness of your own soul. Be quiet and still and let yourself enter dream space.

Then one by one, read the questions and answer them just in your mind or out loud, see what comes up.

When do I feel happiest being me?
What do I love to create?
What do I feel I was born to do?
When I am the most at peace?
What do I long for?
What is between me and being happy?
If my heart could send me a message what would she say to me?
If my body wrote me a letter what would it say?
If my spirit were a song, what would it sound like?
If my mind were free, what thoughts would I think?
If my soul could speak to me, what would she say?

When you are complete with that, you can also write out the answers. At the end, see what you feel like. Feel into your emotional self. How do you feel? What did you discover about incredible you?

Source:  Shiloh McCloud  Cosmic Cowgirl

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